Monday, March 6

~ About Me Part II ~

- Movie you rented: It's been so long I don't even remember
- Movie you bought: In Her Shoes
- Song you listened to: Some Jack Johnson song, on my iTunes
- Song you've downloaded: Prince "Sign O' the Times" album
- Person you called: Reggie
- Person that called you: Ardy
- TV show you watched: The O.C.
- Person you were thinking of: Dad FAVORITE....
- Thing to do? Shop
- Thing to talk about? Life
- Sports? I like going to baseball games, but I don't like watching them on TV.
- Drinks? Water, Starbuck's, fruity martini's
- Clothes? Jeans
- Holiday? Thanksgiving

- hearts I have broken? Don't know
- drugs taken illegally? 2
- people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends? 2...maybe 3...
- people from high school that I stay in contact with: 3 or 4
- CDs? Don't know. But I have 5680 songs on my iPod
- scars on my body? a few
- things in my past that I regret? I try not to regret anything. But I'm sure there are a couple of things that I wish I did or didn't do.

- Makes you laugh the most? Mark
- Makes you smile? Smokey
- Easiest to talk to? Reg
- Was the last person you hugged? Smokey (I count him as a "person"!)
- Was the last person you IM'd or txt'd? Dad
- Was the last person you laughed with? Jeff

- I want: to be happy...and everyone else too
- I wish: I wasn't addicted to Starbucks
- I love: hugging my dog
- I miss: my dad
- I fear: getting a disease
- I wonder: if I'll ever leave Chicago
- I am: a very fortunate person
- I will: always be true to myself


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