Friday, April 7

~ 04.07.06 Friday Four ~

four magazines I read...
1. InStyle
2. Real Simple
3. Lucky
4. Redbook

four random things on my desk...
1. a box of Splenda
2. pictures of Tai, Kyle, and Caylen
3. bills to mail
4. a mini-bottle of Bacardi

four things I have to do this weekend...
1. return some stuff I bought at Banana Republic
2. have lunch with Mom
3. laundry
4. watch Soprano's

four dishes I'm good at making...
1. curry chicken salad
2. grilled boneless skinless chicken thighs
3. guacamole
4. steak


At 2:08 PM, Blogger jesca said...

four mags:
1. Lucky
2. Vanity Fair
3. Vogue
4. Esquire

random desk items (office):
1. blue Play-Doh
2. Batman action figure
3. wooden painted cat from Mexico
4. Maggie Simpson figurine

four weekend tasks:
1. clean the house
2. laundry
3. host friends for breakfast tomorrow
4. party it up!

four dishes I'm good at:
1. pancakes
2. albondigas soup
3. lasagna
4. nachos

At 2:40 PM, Blogger ceetwo said...

I agree about your nachos, they are absolutely faboulous! I will have to try the other 3 on your list. What's albondigas soup?


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