Friday, July 14

~ 07.14.06 Friday Fivers ~

I actually liked several Friday meme's today, so there's a few here:

My first, my last, my...
Name the last person you...

1. Hugged:
- Smokey

2. Smiled at:
- MJ

3. Deceived:
- Smokey (I pretended that I was going to give him a hot dog to get him off the bed)

4. Glared at:
- Reg (b/c he complained that he had to take out a lot of garbage after I cleaned out one of our closets)

5. Lusted after:
- That's for me to know...


Swimming Lessons

1. Do you know how to swim?
- Yes, but not very well.

2. Have you ever had swimming lessons? Did they help?
- I had lessons at the Y when I was in grade school. I'd say they helped. If anything, lessons were a lot of fun. And I remember that the instructor wore speedo's.

3. When was the last time you went swimming?
- November of last year, in Hawaii

4. Can you open your eyes under water? Do you plug your nose before going under? Do you even go under?
- I can open my eyes under water, but I try not to b/c I wear contacts;
- Yes, I have to plug my nose. I hate getting water in my nose.

5. Your preference: salt water, fresh water, or pool water?
- All of the above.



1. What would be cool “entry music” for you upon your arrival at work or school?
- I need to think about this one. Will update later.
- Okay, I got one: "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder. heehee.

2. How have you personalized your personal computer?
- Wallpaper is image of Smokey, MJ, and Trouble;
- Screensaver is some dolphin thing from Dolphin Quest
- All folder views are set to my preferences
- I have several shortcuts on the desktop, several shortcuts in the icon tray as well

3. If someone were trying to decide if something were written in your handwriting, what might be a giveaway?
- I dot my i's with hearts. Hahahaha, just kidding. My handwriting starts off nice and neat but gets progressively sloppier and sloppier.

4. If someone who loved you wanted to get a tattoo on his or her arm as a secret reminder of you, what would be a good tattoo?
- I guess a turtle, b/c I've always wanted a tatoo of a turtle, but will never get one.

5. If you were the sort to do damage to others’ property, what would your graffiti name be?
- Okay, this is kind of funny b/c when I was in grade school, my friend Brian and I actually gave each other tagger names. Mine was Femme. Stop laughing.



1. What about you makes you unique?
- I really don't know how to answer this.

2. What aspect of your physical appearance do you think makes you stick out from the crowd?
- Don't know how to answer this one either.

3. What do you always have with you while out in public? (for example, earrings, purse, wallet, watch, etc.)
- Celly, money, earrings.

4. Is there anything about your body that you think isn't normal?
- The fact that I'm not a size 2.
- My knees, they curve inward.

5. What are you complimented on (looks, smarts, anything) the most? Why do you think that's the case?
- Every now and then I also get complimented on my smile and my tan. At the salon, it's my thick hair. Oh, and how can I forget: I get complimented all the time on how cute my dog is! =)


At 10:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't checked this in a while. Glad to see you're updating the decoy blog for your many fans....

At 11:40 AM, Blogger ceetwo said...

My 'fans' should post answers to these surveys too!

At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Name the last person you...

1. Hugged:
- Nina

2. Smiled at:
- My fellow dog walkers at 7am

3. Deceived:
- Dad. I never tell him how much things truly cost. He would be outraged.

4. Glared at:
- Jeeves. He refused to be walked at 6:20am b/c of a few rain drops. I dragged him for a block before going back home and trying again later.

5. Lusted after:
- Vince Vaughn! Yum!! So much more fun than Brad, Russell and George.

At 1:47 PM, Blogger jesca said...

Yay! I love filling these out!

1. Hugged: Logan
2. My boss (we just had a meeting)
3. Maybe my boss--just had a great review! HA!
4. Logan (I was jealous that he got to stay in bed this morning)
5. Sawyer from Lost (P was watching an episode recently)

1. NO
2. Yes and no. I left every day crying.
3. Since I don't swim, never.
4. No way. I am terrified of water.
5. Fresh water to shower in, spring water to drink. That's all the H2O I need.

1. Night Fever
2. Too many to list
3. The "F" and the "J." J always dips below the line, lower case or not. I don't lift the pen when I cross the F, so it looks kind of loopy/cursive-y.
4. A jester.
5. salnac

1. My height
2. My height
3. Keys, bus card, ID (on a combo key/cardholder thing)
4. I'm knock-kneed. I also have a weird, sharp bump on the back of my head.
5. My teeth. People think they're so white.

At 2:37 PM, Blogger ceetwo said...

Check out this crazy coincidence: I just ran down to the pharmacy in the building to pick up a prescription, and what song is playing? "Isn't She Lovely"!!


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