Friday, April 14

~ 04.14.06 Friday Five ~

1. What were your most favorite and most hated subjects in high school?
- Favorite: math
- Hated: history

2. What were your best and worst subjects in high school?
- Isn't this the same question as #1?!?!?

3. What was your most memorable high school experience?
- Getting caught being drunk in class with Dorilene!

4. Were you a good student in high school?
- Yep! I was always on the "A" honor roll!

5. In general, was high school a happy time for you?
- Definitely. A lot of happy memories, a lot of fun times, and I made some life-long friends there...


At 4:31 PM, Blogger jesca said...

1. Favorite: English
Hate: math

2. Same as above.

3. Getting high w/Mee Ok & Connie before choir practice.

4. Sure.

5. ABSOLUTELY! High school was so much fun! I feel bad for people who hated it!


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