Friday, July 21

~ 07.21.06 Friday Five ~


1. From what stores is it impossible for you to emerge empty-handed?
- Target (but I guess that doesn't count b/c I only go there when I have to buy something)
- Pet supply stores (same principal as Target)
- Beauty supply stores (like Sephora and Ulta)

2. Where do you go when you need to spend a little bit of make-me-feel-better money?
- Nordstrom

3. What store you did you used to frequent but no longer find appealing?
- Express

4. If you opened your own retail store (not a food-service establishment), what would be its theme, name, and target clientele?
- I've always loved walking into the first floor of Nordstrom stores--the shoes, the handbags, the jewelry and the costmetics--so, although this isn't an orignal idea, that's what I'd model my own retail store after.

5. If you had to purchase all your friends’ gifts at one store for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
- Barnes & Noble


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