Tuesday, August 1

~ 08.01.06 Tuesday Ten ~

Ten things on your "To Do" List that will probably never get done...

  1. Repaint the condo
  2. Fix up the 2nd bedroom so that it's usable, instead of just a place where we throw shit into
  3. Finish my scrapbooks
  4. Switch out all of the knobs on the kitchen cabinets/drawers...they're shiny gold now, I want matted silver
  5. Lose 20 pounds...I'll settle for 15
  6. Get my car fully detailed
  7. Budget my money better
  8. Get my CEBS (Certified Employee Benefit Specialist) designation...no, I'll get this one done, but it might take a while
  9. Win the Lotto
  10. Learn to drive a stick shift


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