Tuesday, May 30

~ 05.30.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

Top 10 Tastes of Summer

1. Elotes...with everything on 'em!
2. Fruits...watermelon, strawberries, mangoes, papaya, pineapple ...mmmm...
3. Paletas...coconut is my favorite, strawberry is a close second
4. Hot dogs at Wrigley Field
5. Corn on the cob
6. Anything grilled (beef, chicken, pork, fish, shrimp, veggies)
7. Iced coffee
8. Sangria, margaritas, mojitos, mai tai's
9. Mario's Italian Ice
10. Ice cream cones

Friday, May 19

~ 05.19.06 Friday Five ~

Paging Stacy and Clinton
1. Describe your favorite article of clothing? Why is it your favorite?
- My first pair of Citizen's jeans. They're soft and comfy, just the right color, just the right amount of stretch, and hemmed just the right length for flats/flip-flops. But I just realized that there's a hole in them, in the inner-thigh area, so I might have to retire them!! Luckily, I recently bought another pair, same style/color, but they need to be hemmed.

2. Have you ever done something awful to your hair? What did you do?
- When I was in grade school, I used to get perms. My mom's idea. And I used to have high-bangs. Aquanet ruled!

3. Confess the worst fashion trend you ever succumbed to.
- Geez, where do I start? Leg warmers...parachute pants...shoulder pads...Doc Marten's...acrylic nails...leggings

4. Are there any current or recent fashion trends do you just don't get?
- Leggings...bermuda shorts (although I'm determined to find a pair that work for me!)...white sunglasses...skinny jeans...bubble skirts...UGG's (they're fine for keeping warm in the winter, but I don't get it when they're paired with a mini-skirt)

5. If you were nominated by your friends and family to be on What Not to Wear, how would they describe your fashion situation?
- Me?? On What Not to Wear?? Never! Hahaha...I guess one of my current fashion no-no's is that I like to wear flip-flops and hoodies way too much. I think I'm also in size-denial. =)

Tuesday, May 16

~ 05.16.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

10 Things You Do Every Day

1. Brush my teeth at least 5 times a day. *sparkly grin*
2. Ask Reg, "What's for dinner?" The dreaded daily conundrum: what to cook, buy, reheat, or order.
3. Email Jes, "What's for lunch today?" (this one's every weekday)
4. Smother Smokey. I adore that guy.
5. Charge my damn RAZR (okay, maybe not EVERY day, but it sure does seem like it b/c it's at least every other day!)
6. Stand in front of my closet thinking, "I have nothing to wear!" (a travesty, I know)
7. Watch something I've TiVo'd
8. Shop...or at least browse...or some form of the two. One way or another, I do it pretty much every day, whether it's groceries or Target stuff; online or in person; or even glancing at a catalogue or magazine and making a mental note to buy.....I consider all of that shopping! *grin*
9. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
10. Crave carbs, hahahahaha.

Friday, May 12

~ 05.12.06 Friday Four ~

In honor of Mother's Day...

four things that make you think of your mom...
1. the smell of Vaseline Intensive Care lotion...she always has lotion on her hands and in her purse
2. Elvis Presley
3. scented candles...when she cooks, she always has a candle burning to mask the smell, although I think her cooking smells better than any candle!
4. hair dye...she has an endless supply of it in the basement!

four things you like doing with your mom...
1. going shopping
2. eating out for lunch on the weekends that she's not working
3. eating her cooking
4. being a sounding board for her when she needs to vent

four things you love/admire about our mom...
1. She is the hardest worker I know.
2. When she came to the U.S. from the P.I.'s, they wouldn't allow her to practice dentistry, so she took an office job. After a few years, she realized she was not satisfied with that, and decided to get a Bachelor's degree in Nursing. It took a long time and a lot of sacrifice, and passing the boards was a difficult task, but she did it!
3. The way she takes care of me, Reg, and Anthony.
4. Our relationship. I treasure it.