~ 'nuther random one ~
These were a few of my favorite things...
1. Trapper-Keepers
2. Pencil cases
3. White scrunchy socks worn with...
4. ...White high-top Reebok's with the velcro at the top
5. Chandlers
6. Swatch watches with...
7. ...Swatch-guards
8. Cabbage Patch Kids
9. Garbage Pail Kids cards
10. Slam books
11. Yellow Sony Walkman
12. Banana clips
13. Dirty Dancing
14. Esprit, Generra, Forenza
15. Arcadia
17. Cross necklaces
I'd have to go with all those things EXCEPT NKOTB, banana clips and Dirty Dancing. Was never really a NKOTB fan, but did kinda get into Menudo a bit. Dirty Dancing didn't live up to the hype for me. My hair also wasn't long enough to use banana clips back then. I would add Duran Duran, cross CHOKERS and leg warmers.
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