Tuesday, August 15

~ 08-15-06 Ten on Tuesday ~

I've got 2 this week...

10 Things I Hate Doing
  1. Cleaning the bathroom
  2. Having to work for a living
  3. Schmoozing work associates
  4. Being nice to people I don't like
  5. Exercising
  6. Eating a low-carb diet
  7. Going shopping and coming home empty-handed
  8. Figuring out what's for dinner. Every. Single. Night.
  9. Leaving my puppy home alone
  10. Having nothing to do at work

10 Things I'm Good at Doing

  1. Ignoring the dirty bathroom
  2. My job
  3. Schmoozing work associates
  4. Being nice to people I don't like
  5. Thinking about exercising
  6. Blowing my diet
  7. Shopping
  8. Cooking
  9. Spoiling my puppy
  10. Spending countless hours on the internet when I have nothing to do at work.


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