Friday, April 28

~ 04.28.06 Friday Five ~

"You Are What You Wear"

1. What is the most expensive item in your closet?
- Jeans (3 pairs of Citizens and 2 pairs of Seven's)

2. What is the cheapest item in your closet?
- Various tank tops from Target

3. How many times do you wear your jeans between washes?
- 3 or 4 (is that gross or normal?)

4. What is your favorite clothing brand?
- I don't have one favorite. The majority of stuff in my closet is from Banana Republic, Ann Taylor Loft, The Limited, and Nordstrom.

5. What color rules your wardrobe?
- Definitely black...and denim blue if you count all of my jeans.

Thursday, April 27

~ 04.27.06 Three on Thursday ~

What are three......

TV shows that you would buy a complete DVD set of, if you could?
- Beverly Hills 90210
- Brady Bunch
- Sopranos

CDs which you'd take with you on a long trip?
- Jack Johnson "In Between Dreams"
- Bob Marley "Legend"
- Beatles "Rubber Soul"

Actors/actresses whose bad movies you can sit through from beginning to end?
- The Rock
- Paul Walker
- Matthew McCoughnehy

Tuesday, April 25

~ 04.25.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

Ten News Stories/Celebrities that You're Tired Of

  • Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' baby
  • Anything having to do with Britney Spears
  • George Ryan jury. That woman who was dismissed probably deserved to be called an idiot
  • Anything having to do with Star Jones
  • Katie Couric leaving the Today show
  • Teri Hatcher and Eva Longoria
  • Dan Ryan expressway traffic. Two years people. Deal with it already.
  • The scratch on Reg's car. Hahahaha.
  • Ardy's car problems. Hahahaha.
  • The war and gas prices. Let's face it, Bush isn't going to do shit about either one.

Friday, April 21

~ 04.21.06 Friday Five ~

1. What do you do for a living?
- I am a software consultant/fund administrator

2. What do you like most about your job?
- My boss, my hours, my pay, my vacation/personal time package, my proximity to home

3. What do you like least about your job?
- Can sometimes be not very challenging; annoying coworkers

4. When you have a bad day at work it’s usually because...
- ...of annoying coworkers

5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
- Event planning; Professional traveler (hahaha); Grade-school teacher

Tuesday, April 18

~ 04.18.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

Ten Things You Plan on Doing this Summer...
  1. Go to various street fests, but be more selective about which ones we go to. Not on the list: Halsted Market Days. Never again, hahahahaha.
  2. Go to at least 3 Cubs games
  3. Go to at least 1 Sox game
  4. Go on Anthony & Liza's boat
  5. BBQ a lot
  6. Make various cosmetic changes to the condo
  7. Start looking for a new place and/or refi
  8. Bring Smokey to Montrose Beach
  9. Go to Hawaii
  10. In general, just take advantage of the warm weather.

Friday, April 14

~ 04.14.06 Friday Five ~

1. What were your most favorite and most hated subjects in high school?
- Favorite: math
- Hated: history

2. What were your best and worst subjects in high school?
- Isn't this the same question as #1?!?!?

3. What was your most memorable high school experience?
- Getting caught being drunk in class with Dorilene!

4. Were you a good student in high school?
- Yep! I was always on the "A" honor roll!

5. In general, was high school a happy time for you?
- Definitely. A lot of happy memories, a lot of fun times, and I made some life-long friends there...

Tuesday, April 11

~ 04.11.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

Today’s Theme: Tastes Like…

1. What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?
- La Pasadita

2. What’s your favorite sit down restaurant?
- So many...Lao Sze Chuan, Gibson's, Cafe Iberico, various sushi spots...

3. Your favorite dish to order out?
- Pizza

4. You’re trapped away from the outside world. Somehow, you have abundant (non-ending) supplies of veggies, proteins, and bread. You have salt and pepper. What ONE other spice would you want?
- Either cumin or thyme

5. Beef, Chicken, Pork, Seafood, or Tofu?
- Chicken. Even though I’m a severe steak addict, I could eat chicken every day.

6. What’s your favorite flavor of ice cream?
- Chocolate

7. Campbell’s or Progresso?
- Campbell's.

8. Sugar, Saccharine, Splenda or Aspartame?
- Splenda

9. Fries, Tater-Tots, Curly Fries, Home Fries, or Mashed?
- Tater-Tots

10. What are your favorite pizza toppings?
- Sausage and mushrooms

Friday, April 7

~ 04.07.06 Friday Four ~

four magazines I read...
1. InStyle
2. Real Simple
3. Lucky
4. Redbook

four random things on my desk...
1. a box of Splenda
2. pictures of Tai, Kyle, and Caylen
3. bills to mail
4. a mini-bottle of Bacardi

four things I have to do this weekend...
1. return some stuff I bought at Banana Republic
2. have lunch with Mom
3. laundry
4. watch Soprano's

four dishes I'm good at making...
1. curry chicken salad
2. grilled boneless skinless chicken thighs
3. guacamole
4. steak

~ 04.07.06 This Friday's "Getting to Know Me" Survey

1. What color are your kitchen plates?
Dark-dark brown

2. What book are you reading?
Just finished "Confessions of a Shopaholic"

3. What's on your mouse pad? mouse

4. What's your favorite board game?
Pictionary and Cranium

5. Favorite magazine?

6. Favorite smell?
The beach

7. Least favorite smell?

8. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
"5 more minutes!!"

9. Least favorite color?
Orange, except if paired with pink

10. How many rings before you answer the phone?
1 or 2

11. Future child's name?
Don't know if I'll have any...but for girl's names I like: Malia, Chloe, Maya, Natalie, Simone; for boy's names I like: Joaquin, Benjamin, Anthony

12. What is most important in life?
Being happy with yourself

13. Chocolate or vanilla?

14. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

16. Storms, cool or scary?

17. If you could have any job, what would it be?
Professional Photographer

18. If you could have any color hair, what could it be?
I love my black hair

19. Is the glass half full or half empty?
Half full

20. What are your favorite movies?
Too many to list

21. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?

22. What' under your bed?
Dust. And maybe cat vomit. Ew.

23. What's your favorite number?

24. What is your single biggest fear?

25. Favorite CD?
Too many to list

26. Favorite TV show (s)?
Too many to list

27. Hamburgers or hotdogs?

28. Favorite soft drink?
Diet Coke

29. The best place you have ever been?

30. What screen saver is on your computer right now?
Some dolphin thing

31. Cats or dogs?

32. White holiday lights or multi-colored?

~ 04.07.06 Friday Five ~

1. What was your first grade teachers name?
- Can't remember! But I think it was a nun.

2. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
- Smurfs

3. What was the name of your very first best friend?
- Lorie F.

4. What was your favorite breakfast cereal?
- Lucky Charms

5. What was your favorite thing to do after school?
- Have our after-school snack and watch after-school programs (cartoons, Punky Brewster, etc.) at Grandma Helen's.

Tuesday, April 4

~ 04.04.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

Ten Things That Annoy You When You're on the Road?
1. When all other drivers around me are going 10 mph slower than I want to go
2. Drivers who don't signal when switching lanes
3. Drivers who leave their blinker on after switching lanes
4. Drivers who break at every chance, even worse when they break hard
5. When you go into the express lanes and then realize that the regular lanes are going faster
6. Getting to a toll and realizing that you have no change (it's only happened to me once)
7. Eating while driving and dropping food, then realizing that you'll have to find it later, but then you forget
8. Even though I'm totally guilty of this one: nervous passengers
9. Drivers that make extra-wide turns. Like, if they're turning right, they veer to the left ever-so-slightly before they make their turn.
10. Drivers that aren't paying attention when the signal turns green.