Friday, November 3


I've moved this blog:

See you there!

Wednesday, October 4

Midweek Mind Hump Meme

Apple pie or pumpkin pie?
- Wow, tough choice. If I had both in front of me, I'd go with pumpkin. But I'd steal a bite of the apple. Heehee.

Cars or SUVs?
- Well, since I drive an SUV, that's my answer. But I will be in the market for a new automobile (I can't say the word 'automobile' without thinking of Long Duck Dong from the movie "Sixteen Candles", hahahaha) soon, and I will be looking at both SUV's and cars.

Pen or pencil?
-Pen. Blue ink.

Electric guitar or acoustic guitar?
- No preference. I guess it depends on the song.

Shower or bath?
- Showers. I only wish I had time for baths.

Daffy Duck or Yogi Bear?
- Yogi.

Butter on a biscuit or jam on a biscuit?
- If it's with breakfast, then BOTH. So good. Otherwise, just buttah.

Bringing sexy back or dropping it like it's hot?
- I'm not sure what the choice is here. If it's which phrase do I prefer, it's the first one. If it's which song do I like better, then it's the second.

Tuesday, September 19

~ 09.19.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

10 Things You'd Do If You Had More Time
  1. Exercise more
  2. Read more
  3. Finish watching the first season of Prison Break
  4. Finish watching the first two seasons of Entourage
  5. Get my CEBS certification
  6. Learn to play golf
  7. Clear out the 2nd bedroom
  8. Cook more than just two or three times a week
  9. finish this list

Friday, September 8

~ 09.08.06 Friday Fiver ~

"Songs of your Life"

1. If you could pick your own theme song, what would it be?
- "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder

2. Now be honest...if others had to pick a song that described you, what would they choose?
- "Bossy" by Kelis

3. What song would be/was the first dance at your wedding?
- It was "Spend My Life" by Eric Benet and Tamia

4. What song gets stuck in your head most often?
- "Bubble Toes" by Jack Johnson

5. What song would you want played at your funeral?
- "Somewhere Over the Rainbow / What a Wonderful World" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole (from his "Facing Future" album)

Tuesday, August 15

~ 08-15-06 Ten on Tuesday ~

I've got 2 this week...

10 Things I Hate Doing
  1. Cleaning the bathroom
  2. Having to work for a living
  3. Schmoozing work associates
  4. Being nice to people I don't like
  5. Exercising
  6. Eating a low-carb diet
  7. Going shopping and coming home empty-handed
  8. Figuring out what's for dinner. Every. Single. Night.
  9. Leaving my puppy home alone
  10. Having nothing to do at work

10 Things I'm Good at Doing

  1. Ignoring the dirty bathroom
  2. My job
  3. Schmoozing work associates
  4. Being nice to people I don't like
  5. Thinking about exercising
  6. Blowing my diet
  7. Shopping
  8. Cooking
  9. Spoiling my puppy
  10. Spending countless hours on the internet when I have nothing to do at work.

Friday, August 11

~ 'nuther random one ~

These were a few of my favorite things...

1. Trapper-Keepers
2. Pencil cases
3. White scrunchy socks worn with...
4. ...White high-top Reebok's with the velcro at the top
5. Chandlers
6. Swatch watches with...
7. ...Swatch-guards
8. Cabbage Patch Kids
9. Garbage Pail Kids cards
10. Slam books
11. Yellow Sony Walkman
12. Banana clips
13. Dirty Dancing
14. Esprit, Generra, Forenza
15. Arcadia
17. Cross necklaces

Friday, August 4

~ Poppy the Pussycat ~

This isn't a meme, but it's something I had to share. I can watch this over and over and over...

Thursday, August 3

~ Totally Random Survey ~

I'm bored, found these on the internet...

1. What is something scientists need to invent?
- I am going to steal this from one of my favorite movies: Button technology that senses urgency.

2. What should we do with stupid people?
- Make them President and Vice President...oh wait, we already did that.

3. If you were a superhero, what powers would you want to have?
- Invisibility and ability to fly. And of course, super-strength.

4. List the snacks that you have stashed in your desk drawer at work:
- Bag of almonds and some semi-sweet chocolate chips.

5. Describe the strangest conversation you have ever overheard in a public place.
- I was walking Smokey around the park one weekday morning a couple of months ago, and a couple of bums were tidying up their sleeping area. It was a man and a woman, both African-American (how PC am I? Then again, how PC was it to call them "bums"?), and the woman clearly sounded frustrated as she said to him, "I was tryin ta gih you suh ass lass night boy!" (translation for those who don't get it: "I was trying to give you some ass last night boy!"). Hahahahaha.

6. Would you prefer to have $10 million dollars right now or $1 million a year for 10 years? Why?
- I'd take the $10 million right now. It makes more sense for investment purposes.

7. Would you rather tell the truth or take a dare?
- Eek. Neither!

8. How do you know when you are really having fun?
- I pee a little. Just kidding.

9. How do you mark your territory?
- I pee a little. Just kidding.

10. If any type of shoe sums up my whole personality, it is the _______________ .
- Flip-flop. Come on, as if you didn't see that answer coming. Comfy, loose (haha), versatile, indispensible.

11. Describe your childhood Halloween costumes.
- Up until I was probably 12, they were always those plastic ones bought from the grocery store. Wonder Woman was my personal favorite, I think I was her for 2 years in a row. It always got all hot and moist under that hard plastic mask with tiny-ass slits in eyes, nostrils, and mouth, and that sorry-ass elastic that was uncomfortable as hell and always broke. And forget it if you wore glasses, like me. You couldn't wear them over the mask, that's just dorky. But how could you wear them under the mask? It wouldn't fit right then. And how about the flimsy plastic outfit with the characters' body? One accidental brush-up against a prickly bush and you could either lose the whole thing or have to go the rest of the day with holes in it. I'm complaining now, but the more I think about it, the more I wish they made them for adults!

12. List all of the things you wanted to be when you grew up.
- An artist. In grade school (maybe it was kindergarten?), we had to come in one day dressed up as what we wanted to be when we grew up, so I came in a smock with a paintbrush, easel, and a palette. Hahahaha. I also wanted to be: a doctor, an actress, a veterinarian, and Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz.

13. I want to be reincarnated as a _________ so I can __________ .
- An heiress to some American-based fortune, so I can be a celebrity for no apparent reason.

Tuesday, August 1

~ 08.01.06 Tuesday Ten ~

Ten things on your "To Do" List that will probably never get done...

  1. Repaint the condo
  2. Fix up the 2nd bedroom so that it's usable, instead of just a place where we throw shit into
  3. Finish my scrapbooks
  4. Switch out all of the knobs on the kitchen cabinets/drawers...they're shiny gold now, I want matted silver
  5. Lose 20 pounds...I'll settle for 15
  6. Get my car fully detailed
  7. Budget my money better
  8. Get my CEBS (Certified Employee Benefit Specialist), I'll get this one done, but it might take a while
  9. Win the Lotto
  10. Learn to drive a stick shift

Friday, July 28

~ 07.28.06 Friday Five ~


1. What’s a film you were sure you would dislike but ended up liking?
- Napoleon Dynamite. I actually didn't like it after watching it the first time, and I still think that as a whole movie, beginning to end, it's not that great. But the individual scenes are hilarious!
Napoleon: Do the chickens have large talons?
Farmer: Do they have what?
Napoleon: Large talons.
Farmer: I don't understand a word you just said.

2. What food(s) did you used to dislike but now enjoy?
- Longanisa and tocino

3. What silly fad or craze do you remember immersing yourself in?
- In grade school, it was Slam Books. In high school, it was New Kids on the Block.

4. What was the last thing you regretted purchasing as soon as you got it home?
- I big bag of Chee-tos

5. How would you describe your taste in the opposite sex (or the same sex, if you lean that way)?

Friday, July 21

~ 07.21.06 Friday Five ~


1. From what stores is it impossible for you to emerge empty-handed?
- Target (but I guess that doesn't count b/c I only go there when I have to buy something)
- Pet supply stores (same principal as Target)
- Beauty supply stores (like Sephora and Ulta)

2. Where do you go when you need to spend a little bit of make-me-feel-better money?
- Nordstrom

3. What store you did you used to frequent but no longer find appealing?
- Express

4. If you opened your own retail store (not a food-service establishment), what would be its theme, name, and target clientele?
- I've always loved walking into the first floor of Nordstrom stores--the shoes, the handbags, the jewelry and the costmetics--so, although this isn't an orignal idea, that's what I'd model my own retail store after.

5. If you had to purchase all your friends’ gifts at one store for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
- Barnes & Noble

Tuesday, July 18

~ 07.18.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

10 Cool Websites You Want to Share

1. (where i get my meme's)
2. (google from your mobile phone, via txt! this is REALLY cool...and there's no charge, unless you don't have a txt messaging plan)
3. (translates a website to jive, pretty funny)
4. (this blog, but translated to jive, hahahaha)
5. (celebrity gossip)
6. (best sudoku site)

(that's all i can come up with for now...)

Friday, July 14

~ 07.14.06 Friday Fivers ~

I actually liked several Friday meme's today, so there's a few here:

My first, my last, my...
Name the last person you...

1. Hugged:
- Smokey

2. Smiled at:
- MJ

3. Deceived:
- Smokey (I pretended that I was going to give him a hot dog to get him off the bed)

4. Glared at:
- Reg (b/c he complained that he had to take out a lot of garbage after I cleaned out one of our closets)

5. Lusted after:
- That's for me to know...


Swimming Lessons

1. Do you know how to swim?
- Yes, but not very well.

2. Have you ever had swimming lessons? Did they help?
- I had lessons at the Y when I was in grade school. I'd say they helped. If anything, lessons were a lot of fun. And I remember that the instructor wore speedo's.

3. When was the last time you went swimming?
- November of last year, in Hawaii

4. Can you open your eyes under water? Do you plug your nose before going under? Do you even go under?
- I can open my eyes under water, but I try not to b/c I wear contacts;
- Yes, I have to plug my nose. I hate getting water in my nose.

5. Your preference: salt water, fresh water, or pool water?
- All of the above.



1. What would be cool “entry music” for you upon your arrival at work or school?
- I need to think about this one. Will update later.
- Okay, I got one: "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder. heehee.

2. How have you personalized your personal computer?
- Wallpaper is image of Smokey, MJ, and Trouble;
- Screensaver is some dolphin thing from Dolphin Quest
- All folder views are set to my preferences
- I have several shortcuts on the desktop, several shortcuts in the icon tray as well

3. If someone were trying to decide if something were written in your handwriting, what might be a giveaway?
- I dot my i's with hearts. Hahahaha, just kidding. My handwriting starts off nice and neat but gets progressively sloppier and sloppier.

4. If someone who loved you wanted to get a tattoo on his or her arm as a secret reminder of you, what would be a good tattoo?
- I guess a turtle, b/c I've always wanted a tatoo of a turtle, but will never get one.

5. If you were the sort to do damage to others’ property, what would your graffiti name be?
- Okay, this is kind of funny b/c when I was in grade school, my friend Brian and I actually gave each other tagger names. Mine was Femme. Stop laughing.



1. What about you makes you unique?
- I really don't know how to answer this.

2. What aspect of your physical appearance do you think makes you stick out from the crowd?
- Don't know how to answer this one either.

3. What do you always have with you while out in public? (for example, earrings, purse, wallet, watch, etc.)
- Celly, money, earrings.

4. Is there anything about your body that you think isn't normal?
- The fact that I'm not a size 2.
- My knees, they curve inward.

5. What are you complimented on (looks, smarts, anything) the most? Why do you think that's the case?
- Every now and then I also get complimented on my smile and my tan. At the salon, it's my thick hair. Oh, and how can I forget: I get complimented all the time on how cute my dog is! =)

Wednesday, July 12

~ Tagged ~

Just came across this today. Maybe this is a Ten on Tuesday that I missed? At any rate, here it is:

10 Simple Pleasures
  1. spa services (mani's & pedi's, facials, massages)
  2. cuddling with Smokey
  3. catching a good tv show or movie while flipping channels
  4. chocolate ice cream
  5. watching Smokey run around the park with his friends
  6. laughing with good friends
  7. shopping
  8. hanging out with the nieces and nephews
  9. laying on the beach in Hawaii
  10. afternoon naps

Tuesday, July 11

~ 07.11.06 Ten on Tuesday ~

10 Favorite Cancelled Television Shows

(I guess my list really isn't a list of cancelled shows per se, so the real title of this meme should be "10 of my favorite TV shows that either aren't on anymore or only in syndication")
  1. Beverly Hills 90210
  2. Sex and the City
  3. Arrested Development
  4. North Shore (I only liked it b/c it was set on Oahu)
  5. Malcolm in the Middle (this is/was surprisingly a very funny show)
  6. Felicity
  7. Seinfeld
  8. The Brady Bunch (I grew up on this show, I had to list it!)
  9. Party of Five (yes, I'm embarassed)
  10. Ryan's Hope